EVANS Solid Nylon Braided Rope
Rot and mildew resistant
Strong and durable
A great rope all around
Made in the USA
Working load: 96 kg
Rot and Mildew resistant
Strong and Durable
A great all around rope
Made in the USA
Working Load 212 lbs
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Tool information
.Solid braided nylon is an excellent all-purpose rope. Nylon is rot and mildew resistant, strong, durable and UV resistant. Solid braided nylon will not unravel when cut compared to twisted rope. There is limited use for solid braided nylon such as masts, clotheslines, starter cords, crafts, tie downs, etc.
EVANS Solid Braided Nylon Twisted Rope Pricing
.To request a price or price quote for EVANS Solid Braided Nylon Twisted Rope please send us a message or contact one of our certified distributors near you.
Extras and downloads of images, pdfs and videos
Images, videos and pdf downloads of manuals and datasheet will be added soon.